
Composer: Holsopple, Kayla
Instrumentation: Solo Instruments: Tuba
Genre: Contemporary

From $17.00

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"Tastebuds: Flavorful Vinaigrettes for Unaccompanied Tuba" is a musical exploration of the sensory experience of taste. Through five distinct movements, the composition captures the essence of the five major taste sensations we experience in everyday life. Each movement offers a unique and evocative perspective into taste sensations. The tuba, a sometimes unknowingly versatile instrument, is the center of this composition. The instrument is able to play dark and sweet melodies while also being intense and flexibly virtuosic, providing the perfect vehicle to express the multifaceted experience of taste.

I. Umami

II. Salty

III. Sour

IV. Sweet

V. Bitter 

Winner of the 2024 Leonard Falcone International Tuba & Euphonium Festival Tuba Composition Contest.

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